Public Info

Union County wants to hear from our Seniors

County’s Division on Aging to hold public meeting on July 17th, beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Rahway Senior Center to get public input on services for seniors

The Union County Division on Aging (in the County’s Department of Human Services) will host a public meeting on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Rahway Senior Center, 1306 Esterbrook  Avenue, Rahway, to hear opinions from Union County’s senior adults about services needed that should be included in the state’s 2020 Area Plan.

“This meeting is an opportunity for seniors to tell us what services they think need to be increased, addressed or added to what county government currently provides,” said Bette Jane Kowalski, Chair of the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders. “The states must submit service plans to the federal Administration on Aging every four years that list service needs, establish priorities, and explain how the federal Older Americans Act and state funding will be used to reach plan goals.”

According to Freeholder Kowalski, Union County government is committed to maintaining its many services to senior adults and their care givers in areas such as home delivered and group meals; transportation, especially wheel chair accessible van transportation for medical care; and help applying for assistance available from state and federal programs.

“Each month staff in the Division on Aging hold information and assistance sessions in libraries and senior centers throughout the county in an effort to bring information and help to residents closer to their homes,” Freeholder Kowalski said.

The division provides services to promote wellness, independence, dignity and choice for seniors and their families.  The division’s services include Information and Assistance; the State Respite Program (SRP); and Nutrition programs, including home-delivered and congregate meals, and the Farmers Market food voucher program.

The Union County Division on Aging is one of 670 “Area Agencies on Aging” nationwide established under the federal Older Americans Act.  As of 2012, the division became the Division on Aging and Disability Resource (ADRC) in compliance with a state initiative to better serve the elderly and disabled populations. The division has information printed in both English and Spanish.

For further information about the Union County Division on Aging and Disability Resource Connection, call 908-527-4870 or the division’s toll-free number: 1-888-280-8226, or visit the Union County government website at