Public Notices

Special Meeting of the Fiscal Affairs Committee

Public Notice

March 12, 2021

Under the terms of the “Open Public Meetings Act P.L. 1975, C. 231, please be advised that the Union County Board of County Commissioners will be holding a Special Meeting of the Fiscal Affairs Committee on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. for the purposes of discussing the 2021 Budget.  These meetings of the Fiscal Affairs Committee are not Regular Meetings of the Board of County Commissioners. No action will be taken. 

While open to the public, there is no opportunity for public comment.  The time and place for public comments on the 2021 Budget are designated to take place during the official Public Hearing on the 2021 Budget, which will be announced at time of the budget introduction in accordance with the law.

In adherence to the Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Government Services (DLGS) guidelines, this Union County Board of County Commissioners Special Meeting of the Fiscal Affairs Committee will be open to the public by electronic means, and as such, will be conducted through a teleconference via ZOOM Webinar. All members of the public may view the meeting by livestream at  Any member of the public wishing to attend in the teleconference meeting, may do so by downloading ZOOM to their individual electronic device and must email the Clerk of the Board at to receive the meeting-specific link and password to gain access to the teleconference. All requests must be submitted and received by the Clerk of the Board no later than noon of March 18, 2021. 

James E. Pellettiere,

Clerk of the Board