Solar Panels to provide 3.4 MW of solar energy
to County and Municipalities; lowering energy costs by 52%.
Union County – The Union County Improvement Authority today announced the Renewable Energy Program is scheduled to begin the installation of 44 solar projects with 16 local government entities: including 7 municipalities, 6 boards of education, the County of Union, Union County College and the Morris-Union Jointure Commission. The solar panels will be installed on schools, libraries, community centers and fire/police stations; providing 3.4 megawatts of clean energy throughout County.
The Union County Renewable Energy Program will be financed by the Union County Improvement Authority through a combination of low interest municipal bonds and an equity contribution from the solar developer.
“In these times of tight budgets for schools and municipal services, Union County’s forward-looking solar program helps us save money, control costs over the long-term and create jobs within the growing clean technology industry,” said Charlotte DeFilippo, Executive Director of the Union County Improvement Authority.
Tioga Energy, a leading provider of renewable energy services, was selected as the company to provide the solar energy. Under the terms of the program, the Union County Improvement Authority arranges financing for the solar energy installations. They are built without cost to the participating local governments. Any necessary maintenance or repairs are covered by Tioga Energy.
Energy provided by the proposed solar projects will provide for a portion of each local government’s energy needs at a lower rate. The Union County Renewable Energy Program estimates a 52% overall reduction in energy costs for the facilities participating in the program.
The Union County Renewable Energy Program was unanimously endorsed and approved by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders. “We are doing everything we can to find creative ways to reduce the cost of doing business. This renewable energy program guarantees just that,” stated Freeholder Chairman Deborah P. Scanlon. “This program will significantly reduce energy costs for not only the County, but for many municipalities and school boards.”
Participants include: Township of Cranford, Township of Hillside, City of Linden, City of Plainfield, City of Rahway, Borough of Roselle, Township of Springfield, Hillside Board of Education, Winfield Board of Education, Roselle Board of Education, Garwood Board of Education, New Providence Board of Education, Roselle Park Board of Education, Union County, Union County College and the Morris-Union Jointure Commission.
Preconstruction meetings with various participants have already been held and groundbreaking is expected to occur over the summer. The terms of the agreement with Tioga require all installation to be completed by May of 2012.