Public Info

Union County Storm Update – Monday, October 31, 2011

As of this morning, there are about 26,000 Union County customers still without power (approximately 17,000 for JCPL and 9,000 for PSEG) but they are scattered through 19 towns, according to the Star Ledger.

The most severely hit appear to be western end communities with widespread reports of power outages in Scotch Plains, Mountainside, Westfield, Berkeley Heights, New Providence, Summit, and Clark.

In the eastern end, Linden, Roselle Park appear to have been widely hit.

90 percent of County roads are open, but major roads like Magie Avenue in Elizabeth, Mountain Avenue in Berkeley Heights, and some roads in Scotch Plains and Clark are still experiencing blockages, as power companies work to clear lines.

The Watchung Stables are closed due to the lack of power (some generators are running to help feed horses), as well as the Trailside Nature and Science Center until further notice.

Residents are being advised to stay inside and wait out storm unless they have a specific location, booked hotel room or family member, where they can go to.